More Pump Station Nonsense

This all started because I got pissed off. Pissed off that elected officials and CVRD staff were getting attacked in the local media over the proposed Comox No. 2 Pump Station, and especially as most of the “attacks” were overblown or down right false. So,...


Those who follow along regulalry will recall that I used to complain regulalry about my lower back…I also whined a little about my weight …well, both issues have progressed considerably in the last year. First off, my lower back. The disks are still most...


I’m still at the office. I am writing this post out of commitment to my goal of a blog a week. Right now, I am struggling with my finances – working out how I will pay the bills and then pay the bills that pay the bills. Fun (not). I think its a good night...

Remebering Chris

Today is Remembrance Day in Canada.  A day that started with the signing of the armistice at the end of the first world war.  An armistice which, ironically, pretty much guaranteed that there would be a second world war…  But that’s not...


I’m going to stray a little from my usual format of reporting adventures and reviewing gear.  You see, that’s not what I do with all of my time (although that would be nice if I could!).  On the side, I have a bit of a political activist streak...


I’ve made some decisions this week.  I need to focus.  It all comes from a desire to do things to the best of my ability, and as per common sense, when you try to do too many things, its hard to do them all well.  So, I’m going to...