Well, interwebz people, it has struck again.  After spending the week in Nelson riding bikes and not really stretching enough, travelling in planes and trucks all day last Saturday, riding at Mt Washington Sunday and then trying to ride XC Monday night, my lower back decided it was done.  I am not exagerating to say that by the end of Monday’s ride, it felt like my back was going to explode and I could barely walk.

I had trouble sleeping Monday night, and had to take some serious pain killers, along with icing, stretching etc.  I spent  Tuesday mostly at home standing in front of my computer.  Miraculously, I thought I was better, it stopped hurting!  I tried to ride Mt Washington again last night, and could only do four runs before I had to stop.

DAMMIT!!  I really wanted to race this weekend! Oh well, just means I will be able to cover the event better!

So – now that I will have some time on my hands, expect the Spitfire review to get wrapped up, and the Opus Nelson “mini-review” will get done too.  I am also in the last stages of organizing a media tour of the local mountain bike spots, so expect some coverage of my hometown in various publications over the next six months!

Finally – I’m going to go hiking.  Might even tell you all about the awesome  day pack I picked up earlier this season…