My apologies loyal fans, I have just realized that I have not written an actual blog post in some time.  In fact, I’ve been limping by with flashy photo’s and half-meant promises of more “blogging” to follow.  I haven’t made good on these promises and wish to explain.

As the title of this post indicates, I have been busy – incredibly busy.

random bulldozer at Mt. Washington

First off – my paying job.  8 hours a day five days a week really cuts into blogging time.

Second – music.  I’m now in 2-3 bands – it depends how well everyone is getting along.  I am, of course, a permanent member of Tin Town, however we are on a small hiatus at the moment while we re-focus.  I am now also a member of a brand new ska-funk-rock band we are calling “SNP” (say it “snap”).  We will be playing again on Thursday, September 8th I hope…need to confirm this.  I am also off to FolkWest all weekend in Victoria to be a stage manager again…

Third – being a dad.  It takes a lot of time as it is the most important job I have.

Fourth – mountain biking – I do still do this occasionally.

Fifth – Mt. Cain – still want to head up there again and still helping with their sewer issues.

Summer back country skiing at  Mt Cain – can be muddy

Sixth and currently my biggest expenditure of extra time and energy – the first ever Car Free Sunday for the Comox Valley.  We just received approval for the Town of Comox yesterday.  So – now I need to make it  happen.

That’s one big dog!

I will try and be more vigilant, but no promises.  Don’t worry, ski season is coming soon and all I plan to do all winter is ski, work and blog.

August snow!

I say that now, but I am sure something will come up that grabs my attention.

It will probably be shiny…