Mt. Cain…finally!

The title says it all. After a two month drought, Mt. Cain finally opened this weekend with 120 cms of snow – 90 cms of it falling in the last week! This is the snow that fell on Mt. Cain AFTER we arrived Friday night. My good friend Nancy...


Finally, the drought is over, and it has been hyper-dumping. Mount Washington has received over a meter of snow in the last week, and the rest of the Island mountains are getting the same. Here’s what our tracks looked like. Boot deep powder and more coming down...

Olympic Perspective

As I watch the Olympics, with all of the coverage and hype, I find myself wondering – does everyone really think that this massive media and money frenzy is all these athletes do? Do they realize that this single event every 4 years is just one in a continuum of...

A Fortunate Series of Events

Saturday, February 1, 2014 was a very interesting day here at I had decided, no matter the ski conditions or available ski partners, that I was going to Mt. Cain and I was going to do some touring. What ended up happening far exceeded what even my...